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​This page contains many entertaining education apps that are available on the App Store which is available on iPod, iPhone, and iPads.


  1. Bill Hogan suggested the App called Smurks. It helps kids understand facial cues related to emotions.  You can make your own and can send them to people through Messages on Apple Products.

  2. Jean O'Donnel Suggested two apps called Visual Timer HD and Decible Tenth. Visual Timer HD is an Easy to use app that helps kids understand the amount of time they have left. Decible Tenth is an app that Lets you know how loud a room is.

  3. Mary Landry suggested the app called Magic Voice. Students are encouraged to speak louder and clearly and if they do the rabbit comes out of the hat on screen.

  4. Maureen Lewicky suggested an app called Voice Dream. Students are encouraged to speak louder and clearly and if they do the rabbit comes out of the hat on screen.  

  5. Maureen Bastian suggested two apps called Hungry Fish and Wings. In Hungry Fish you make the fish eat combinations of numbers to get the defined number. In Wings you will need bilateral usage of the hands, tip iPad to get the right number.

  6. Diane Alston suggested the app called Touch and Write. Use with ABCs, Numbers and words. Customize with a student's own words.  The pen can be a number of different foods. (Frosting, jelly, catsup)

  7. Candy Dolan suggested the App called Time Machine. Video clips from public media for years and years of history.  Great for showcasing historic events.  Goes back to 1898. Not free but watch Apps Gone Free!

  8. Linda Gelman Suggested the app called Leaf Snap. Take a picture of a leaf and then it helps classify the leaf.  Take a picture of a leaf on a piece of white paper.  It will recognize it and look it up and will give them lots of information on the leaf, where it can be found, info about the tree and so on. 

  9. Megan Mcginnis suggested three apps called Global Flash Cards, iCells, and Game Buzzer. Global Flash cards is an app which has an overview of all sorts of topics they study. Can also give a quiz. iCells is an app that gets you working with different cells in three dimensions. Game Buzzer is an app that is great for students playing against students.

  10. Kim Panaro Suggested an app called Conversation Builder. Great for speech and social skills, a way to help kids have converstaions in a more sophisticated way. They can talk to multiple people at a time.  Playground module 

  11. Mary Sheever suggested an app called Put it Away. Bathroom scene, put things in the right place. Can also use the kitchen.

  12. Erin Sheevers suggested a usefull app called Genius Scan. There is a full and free version. Take a quick picture of a document then the send it to someone. Adjust it, enhance it and save . Can add multiple pages to a document. Creates a pdf or JPG

  13. Eileen Pasquini suggested an app called Trading Cards. This app allows you to create trading cards with student's names.  Fill out the information on the card. Free!



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